Auteur Topic: Frontier House  (gelezen 24808 keer)

Offline Goyathlay

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Frontier House
« Gepost op: 6-04-2011, 20:29:47 »
Frontier House is een educatieve reality serie uit 2002 waarin drie Amerikaanse gezinnen naar Montana afreizen om daar vijf maanden lang het leven van een willekeurige kolonistenfamilie uit 1883 na te bootsen. Elke gezin krijgt een groot stuk land ter beschikking en een door deskundigen samengestelde voorraad voedsel, gereedschap en vee om de vijf maanden door te komen. Deze voorraden zijn miniem en behoudens enkele uitzonderingen vergelijkbaar met het proviand van de kolonisten uit de negentiende eeuw. Er wordt verwacht van de deelnemers dat ze de nodige taken volbrengen ter voorbereiding op de strenge Montana winter. Daarbij moet je denken aan taken als het construeren van een huis, land omheinen, voorraden inslaan, gewassen verbouwen, een veestapel veiligstellen en ondervoeding/ziektes voorkomen. Tevens moet men een kleine gemeenschap proberen te stichten die tijdelijk zelfvoorzienend kan zijn. Handelen met elkaar of Sin Yin (een Chinese koopman die 10 mijl verderop een klein winkeltje heeft) is toegestaan. Aan het einde van de serie beoordeelt een panel bestaande uit onderzoeksexperts en historici hoe groot de overlevingskansen van de families destijds zouden zijn.
"I was born on the prairies where the wind blew free and there was nothing to break the light of the sun. I was born where there were no enclosures."

Offline Goyathlay

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Re: Frontier House
« Reactie #1 Gepost op: 6-04-2011, 20:30:52 »
« Laatst bewerkt op: 20-12-2011, 21:26:29 door Goyathlay »
"I was born on the prairies where the wind blew free and there was nothing to break the light of the sun. I was born where there were no enclosures."

Offline Goyathlay

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Re: Frontier House
« Reactie #2 Gepost op: 6-04-2011, 20:32:37 »
The following rules were given to the Frontier families upon their acceptance to the project.

All participants agree to live as closely to the pioneer lifestyle of the 1880s as possible. This includes the wearing of clothing, the preparation and consumption of foods typical of the era, use of period equipment, and contemporary work routines. Wherever possible this lifestyle will be directed by the participants themselves. If persistent difficulties occur participants may seek advice from Frontier House consultants, normally via the postal service or, in urgent cases, via telegraph.

In certain circumstances consultants will visit location to assist with complicated/potentially dangerous activities. However, should you have any anxieties about other activities that may occur where we do not anticipate the attendance of a consultant please alert a member of the production team as soon as possible.

1. Communications With The Outside World
To maintain authenticity we will make outside communications consistent with the 1880s. This means use of the postal service, which will operate from the store. Any modern communication devices, such as mobile phones, must be surrendered at the exchange of clothing. Mail arriving for participants will be held at the store until a participant makes collection. Incoming packages may be opened to ensure the contents are consistent with the period.

2. Visitors From The Modern World
To make travel arrangements at this time was rare, as transport was a complex and timely affair. Therefore we do not anticipate contributors receiving numerous visitors throughout their stay. Visitors who do come will be accommodated, entertained and fed at the participant's property and expense. We ask that visitors respect the project and surrender all modern devices such as mobile phones, radios, contemporary media, and modern day foodstuffs. They will be asked to wear clothing that is sympathetic to the period dress worn by participants. All visitors will have to sign a release permitting their visit to be filmed and included within the program.

3. Working Collectively
Many accounts of this period record how part of homesteading life revolved around assisting neighbors at important periods -- like roofing a house or raising of a barn. Bartering of goods or services was a common occurrence too. These activities are encouraged. However, it must be remembered that the primary goal of each household was to work toward their own future, particularly in preparing for a potentially harsh winter ahead. Therefore we do not encourage a communal approach to the "Frontier House" project -- such as the combined use of labor to prepare just one kitchen garden or the nightly preparation of a single evening meal for all.
"I was born on the prairies where the wind blew free and there was nothing to break the light of the sun. I was born where there were no enclosures."

Offline Goyathlay

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Re: Frontier House
« Reactie #3 Gepost op: 6-04-2011, 20:32:46 »
4. Children & Potentially Dangerous Activities
Children were entrusted with much larger responsibility in homesteading days but we must be extra vigilant about their activities in our project. We have not grown up with a 19th century mindset where living with hazards was second nature. Therefore adults must oversee any potentially dangerous activities their child will perform. If children are found to be taking on potentially hazardous activities unsupervised the production reserves the right to end the participation of that particular family.

5. Finance
Each family will be given an individual budget at the start of the project. This will be worked out by our historians based upon research of families moving out west in the 1880s. From this a participant must manage his or her own affairs; what to buy and when. Equally, a barter system will operate in the store whereby goods may be traded rather than bought. (For example the store may offer credit for fresh eggs, bread, dairy products, fish, and vegetables. A participant may also trade homemade produce like jams, craft objects, and newly made clothing at the store.)

The store may also be able to offer an advance particularly if a participant wishes to purchase an expensive commodity, like a plough or sewing machine. To take advantage of this a security on the loan will be required. For instance the rights to a valued possession like a horse. The storekeeper may demand payment on an outstanding loan at any time.

6. Period Medicines / Cures
In minor cases of medical need a participant may feel free to utilize the various supplies offered by the pharmacist. These have been researched and sanctioned by our medical advisor and are usable at the recommended dosage. Herbal remedies from locally gathered plants are not recommended without prior advice from our medical expert who can be contacted via the postal service. In severe medical cases all rules are suspended and immediate assistance should be sought by alerting a member of the production team who will arrange a visit from the doctor.

7. Leaving The Project
Anyone is welcome to leave at any time. We sincerely hope this will not occur but we will not prevent anyone's departure if they choose to depart. Our only request is that, should the circumstances arise, a decision is made in a rational manner and in consultation with the production team. A decision to leave should be communicated with the video diary camera. We will assist with all departure arrangements.

8. The "Emergency Box"
We will provide each household with an emergency box. The full contents and use of which will be explained during the safety induction. Use of the emergency box is left to the discretion of each participant. We ask that should any participant require use of the contents of the emergency box, a video diary record is to be made outlining the reasons for use. The "emergency box" is sealed and should only be opened at moments of genuine concern.

Contents of the "Emergency Box"
- Emergency Medical Supplies
- Emergency Communication Radio
- Fire Extinguisher
- Bear Repellent "Pepper Spray"
- Emergency Lighting
"I was born on the prairies where the wind blew free and there was nothing to break the light of the sun. I was born where there were no enclosures."

Offline Goyathlay

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Re: Frontier House
« Reactie #4 Gepost op: 6-04-2011, 20:35:27 »
Voor de geïnteresseerden: andere vergelijkbare series met een (iets) andere thematiek zijn Manor House, Colonial House, The 1940s House, Regency House Party en Texas Ranch House.
"I was born on the prairies where the wind blew free and there was nothing to break the light of the sun. I was born where there were no enclosures."

Offline Vieffan

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Re: Frontier House
« Reactie #5 Gepost op: 19-04-2011, 16:25:27 »
Er is ook een serie gemaakt door discovery. Alaska: Surviving The last Frontier. Was een erg leerzaam en leuk programma.

Was dit een goede serie? En vooral informatief of ook voor entertainment?

Offline Goyathlay

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Re: Frontier House
« Reactie #6 Gepost op: 20-04-2011, 19:32:04 »
Was dit een goede serie? En vooral informatief of ook voor entertainment?

Ik heb zeker genoten van de serie, Frontier House was zowel leerzaam als vermakelijk. Leerzaam vanwege het inzichtelijk maken van het leven van een kolonistenfamilie in 1883. Niet alleen het inzichtelijk maken van de toenmalige levensstijl maar ook alle fysieke en mentale uitdagingen die daarbij komen kijken. Ze hebben het niet makkelijk maar slaan zich er zo goed en kwaad als het kan doorheen. Met een minimum aan hulpmiddelen zijn de kolonistenfamilies in staat om veel voor elkaar te krijgen. Ze bouwen werkelijk een kleine gemeenschap op en dat is boeiend om te aanschouwen. Vermakelijk is de serie eveneens vanwege onverwachte gebeurtenissen (met dank aan moeder natuur) en de ontwikkelingen binnen en tussen de kolonistenfamilies. Er is strijd, kameraadschap, jaloezie, liefde en verdriet. De mannen, vrouwen en kinderen reageren allemaal anders op deze vijf maanden lange levensreis. Sommigen haten het pioniersleven en anderen worden er opnieuw geboren. De jongere pioniers beginnen aarzelend en klagend maar raken langzaam gefascineerd door het project, ze gaan op in de realiteit van 1883 en voelen zich er steeds meer thuis.
"I was born on the prairies where the wind blew free and there was nothing to break the light of the sun. I was born where there were no enclosures."

Offline Vieffan

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Re: Frontier House
« Reactie #7 Gepost op: 21-04-2011, 09:45:10 »
klinkt als een programma dat ik leuk zou vinden, alleen heb ik niks met vroeger. Ik heb nog een paar series op mijn lijstje staan en deze komt erbij.